Sinkwater Rat’s Commission Prices!

Prices subject to change based on complexity of characters/background/etc! All prices in USD


Headshot/bust: 5
Halfbody: 7
Fullbody: 10
Sketch page: 25
Extra character: Plus half of original price for each extra character
(Ex: A 2 character headshot would be 5 + 2.5, so 7 dollars in total)

Line art only

Headshot/bust: 10
Halfbody: 15
Fullbody: 30
Full page: 45
Extra character: Plus half of original price for each extra character
(Ex: A 2 character headshot would be 10 + 5, so 15 dollars in total)

Full Color

All full color pieces are FLAT COLORED by default! Shading and highlights cost extra!

Headshot/bust: 20
Halfbody: 25
Fullbody: 35
Full page: 50
Extra character: Plus half of original price for each extra character
(Ex: A 2 character headshot would be 20 + 10, so 30 dollars in total)
Shading and highlights: Plus half of original price

Plain or simple patterned backgrounds are free!
Complex backgrounds will cost extra and will be priced at my discretion